Technical support > Feature Requests
One quick suggestion for next release
I dont know how many times i Managed to press EXIT ingame and lost my progress since it wont ask if I want to exit without save my game.
It might sound stupid that i press exit, but it is just a darn reflex. Anyhow i suggest that in a future release a question is added so that the user must confirm he/she realy want to exit the current game and go back to the main menu.
i have done this once too.
perhaps you could (as a little engineering project) rig up your machine to administer a small electric shock each time you quit by accident. you would soon become averse. :wink:
Well, im a software programmer my self, not in the league for coding games or something of the like. However I do beleive in a user friendly GUI! :twisted:
--- Quote from: "zodde" ---:D
Well, im a software programmer my self, not in the league for coding games or something of the like. However I do beleive in a user friendly GUI! :twisted:
--- End quote ---
You mean electric shocks aren't user friendly? No wonder I've been getting bad reviews at my job...
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