Technical support > Feature Requests

Plz. include corresponding abilities in weapon description


I've DLed and tested the new release last weekend, and one thing that really bugs me now that there is a broader variety of weapons available than in the initial releases is that there is no way I can tell what ability is influencing their use. Not even in the Ufopedia.
I mean e.g. is the use of a grenade launcher(or the rocket launcher) influenced by the soldier's ability score in explosives or heavy weapons?
So my feature request would be:
That you include a hint in the weapon's discription by which ability score it's use is influenced.

And one other thing:
How do I change the game's language? Though I'm playing it on a german Windows version I'd rather play the game in english.

Never mind the description thingy. Just found the info in the Wiki. DUH!

Still the question concerning language remains.

The weapon class sometimes depends on the firing mode (primary/secondary/...), so it is given in the object properties tab of the _ammo_ in the equip screen (I hope I remember that right). No need to look in the wiki everytime.

I am sure the language issue has been dicussed in this forum, use the search function. And I think theres information in the wiki, too.


Found it.


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