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Author Topic: Reaction move ?  (Read 1835 times)


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Reaction move ?
« on: April 27, 2007, 11:03:53 am »
Just a simple thought. I was thinking about X-com apocalypse in realtime mode. I was amazed to see my soldiers hiding behind crates, pillars and walls then going back shooting at aliens, this was and stills as of today a unique feature.

I was thinking if it would be possible and gameplaywise interesting, to implement this in a turn based game - Ufo: AI

The concept is simple, like setting reaction fire, we would set a Reaction move and define the direction where we would move our soldier when he spots an enemy.

For example, at the end of my turn my soldier stands on the left of a pillar, with reaction "move" on - having assigned 3 move points (that should be restricted to a few points only) to reaction move with possibility to move to the right. Opponent is spotted, its again my turn and I choose to move my soldier on the right and hide him behind the pillar to obstruct enemy LOS.

(or maybe reaction fire can be set too, soldier fires fires first then hide automatically behind the pillar after - no need to switch to my turn temporarly)

This may be pain in the ass to code, but it would be nice to have your opinon about the concept.