Technical support > Feature Requests

Iconic base menu

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This is more an eye candy suggestion than anything else.

I think it would work very well to remove the right hand menu from the base view.

Then, when the user clicks on a building, like the research facility, they see the research window, or when they click on the hangar, they get the equip aircraft screen.

To build a new building, click on an empty space, which brings up a list of building types, which you can select and put in place.

The base inventory and buy/sell screen can be accessed by clicking on the stores, etc.

I would prefer this system than the current one, it would feel more intuitive.

Would it be hard to implement, or would it be relatively straightforward to rearrange the gui?

Your idea is good, but not everyone will remember how research laboratories look like. And it become more pixel-hunting, when you have to move mouse untill find needed building...
 So, current system is nice. And if developers decide to imlpement your idea, it should be optional. 8-)

Yeah I thought it might not be for all people - but I am thinking, there is an alt-hud in the battle scenes, is it possible to make an althud for the baseview?

The seperate building's purpose should be obvious by the way it looks anyway.

i think i'm right in saying that currently the only way to use a hospital is to click on it.

the GUI should go all one way or the other.


--- Quote from: "blondandy" ---the GUI should go all one way or the other.
--- End quote ---

Yes, the GUI should be consistent, which means we should be able to either enter every menu base-related from menulist (not the case for aliencontainment or hospital currently) or by clicking given building. Or both.


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