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UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra

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--- Quote from: "Baron Crass" ---(as opposed the the Reaper...did anyone EVER have one of those stupid things do ANYTHING damaging to a member of their team?).
--- End quote ---

I did. Spawned right underneath my Skyranger, and I had at least 2 more within striking distance of the ramp, and 3 or 4 floaters around there, too.
I managed to stick a stun rod into that reaper (which didn't do anything) but it still munched up one or two of my guys.

Moral of the story: If the LZ is too hot, take off and find a better spot. (Ie: reload. ;) )


Chryssalids were the coolest things in UFO :) I really hope somebody will implement a similar alien (preferably also zombies :) ).


--- Quote ---I suggest the following stages:

1. melee attack by hydra, soldier gets infected
2. Soldier can still be controlled, but is infected with a parasite or some other nasty thing growing in him. Can be stunned and treated in hospital.
3. Soldier loses consciesness. Cannot be rescued anymore.
4. Soldier gets up again, but is some zombie type creature (slow, but strong melee attack)
5. If shot, cracks open and another hydra comes out
6. Hydra maybe needs another round or two to gain its full strength.
--- End quote ---

With the exception of #2 I like this a lot. The reason why stage 2 is not viable is because it makes administrating a cure to the infected soldier too easy, or allows the player to kamikazi him before zombification. After becoming infected, the victim should be immediately rendered unconscious (due to a fast acting neurotoxin). Each subsequent round, the victim loses a great deal of health. When the victim's health is reduced to 0 or less in this way, he rises and permanently becomes a Zombie. The Hydra then gestates within the Zombie for a few rounds. Each round it gestates it gains health. When its health reaches 100%, it tears its host apart, and seeks more humans to infect. Should a Zombie be killed prior to giving birth, the Hydra will leave with whatever health it managed to accumulate until then (and perhaps it might take some damage from whatever destroyed the Zombie).

I think this is an excellent revision because:

A: It makes the timeframe over which the mutations and gestation occurs much more plausible.

B: It adds further suspense and apprehension to the game. You don't know, for example, whether that civilian corpse lying about is truly dead or about to be zombified.

Imagine entering a seemingly empty house, with nothing but bodies inside; only to be surrounded by Zombies on the next turn, as they rise and shamble back to life...

why not then include a more alien like system?

with infection resulting in strong alien attacking base from inside?

The Hydra growing inside the infected victim does emerge violently once it reaches maturity.


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