Technical support > Feature Requests

Jack lib problem

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--- Quote ---actually, I read some more upon this in the forums and I figured that even though I have deselected 32Bit libraries, the installer apparently still installs the 32bit version (if i am not mistaken).

--- End quote ---

That means it isn't possible to play ufo on 64bit system ? :-(((
or we have to install 32bits libjack in lib32 directory ?

it _is_ possible to play UFO on a 64bit system, given that you have the required 32bit libraries installed. This means that you have to install libjack 32bit, as well as some other stuff like SDL 32bit and so on (as listed on the linux installer download page).

I'm still hoping that UFO 2.1 will be available via openSuse build service, soon. That would solve to problem of finding someone to compile the 64bit version.

Ok, thanks.


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