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Author Topic: Several bugs in 2.1  (Read 2905 times)

Offline zyrano

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Several bugs in 2.1
« on: April 04, 2007, 09:44:44 am »

I don't wanna to make an own thread for each bug, so I list all the things I recognize here.

1. At same maps it's difficult, maybe impossible to get to some squares by clicking on it even if a soldier can go there. For example in one map (military station?) I can't directly click on a
square before an stair, but a soldier can finish its round there. I will look for further and more detailed information.

2. It seems that I've no texts in the ufopedia, just the placeholder.

3. The game crashes when clicking on the UVG in the ufopedia. Restarting it from the
console freezes the computer. I'm running it on Ubuntu 6.10.

4. The hitting propability is sometimes very low, but my soldiers got more hits than I would exspect by such a low propability. Is the shown propability really the same propability with which an enemy is hit?

5. When targeting with a flamethrower I got a negative propability to hit (when I was in range to hit).

6. The stats for the laser rifle shown by the c-f cartridge aren't correct. They doesn't match the values in a combat (TU) und as it seems the damage too.

There are some points that I suggest:

1. Installing the linux version: for Linux newbies there should be a hint, to make the file
executable after download.

2. Ingame: Why are the stats of a weapon shown by its ammo? I find this confusing, especially if some weapons use the same ammo, what are the correct stats?

3. Savegames: If a game is saved several times in the same slot without changing the
name manually, the name gets really long because of the added date. If the row is full that
leads to a little graphics failure. I would prefer to replace the date each time. Maybe by
saving the name and the date of a savegame inside the file and using this for the menu.

That's all for now.


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Re: Several bugs in 2.1
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2007, 10:16:28 am »
Quote from: "zyrano"

1. At same maps it's difficult, maybe impossible to get to some squares by clicking on it even if a soldier can go there. For example in one map (military station?) I can't directly click on a
square before an stair, but a soldier can finish its round there. I will look for further and more detailed information.

Please do some screenshots of unreachable areas (you can use the f12-key to do screenshots)

Quote from: "zyrano"

2. It seems that I've no texts in the ufopedia, just the placeholder.

which language are you using? maybe they are not translated atm. You can help to translate them - visit

Quote from: "zyrano"

3. The game crashes when clicking on the UVG in the ufopedia. Restarting it from the console freezes the computer. I'm running it on Ubuntu 6.10.

the ugv should be removed from 2.1 - our fault. will be fixed in 2.1.1

Quote from: "zyrano"

4. The hitting propability is sometimes very low, but my soldiers got more hits than I would exspect by such a low propability. Is the shown propability really the same propability with which an enemy is hit?

no, the propabilty calculation for the real shot is done by the server (yes, even singleplayer uses the client-server-model) and the client side calculations are only approximations

Quote from: "zyrano"

5. When targeting with a flamethrower I got a negative propability to hit (when I was in range to hit).

will check this

Quote from: "zyrano"

6. The stats for the laser rifle shown by the c-f cartridge aren't correct. They doesn't match the values in a combat (TU) und as it seems the damage too.

this is something i will point winter to

Quote from: "zyrano"

1. Installing the linux version: for Linux newbies there should be a hint, to make the file executable after download.

will add this to the download description on

Quote from: "zyrano"

2. Ingame: Why are the stats of a weapon shown by its ammo? I find this confusing, especially if some weapons use the same ammo, what are the correct stats?

the stats may differ from ammo to ammo - but i agree that there is improvement potencial

Quote from: "zyrano"

3. Savegames: If a game is saved several times in the same slot without changing the
name manually, the name gets really long because of the added date. If the row is full that
leads to a little graphics failure. I would prefer to replace the date each time. Maybe by
saving the name and the date of a savegame inside the file and using this for the menu.

this is already on our bugtracker at

thanks for your bug report and feature request. if you plan to do more, please use our bugtracker and feature request tracker - it's easier for us to maintain those tracker items than forum threads.

see for more information

best regards