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Author Topic: Question  (Read 2520 times)


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« on: February 14, 2007, 04:06:27 pm »
Hi! Primo... I'm very entusiastic about this project. We've been waiting for  game like this very long. I know there is Aftermatch or After-whatever but i think  those "projects" should never see the daylight. Stupid arcade games for little kids. Nevermind...  

Secundo... My questions are:
1. Are You possibly going to implement realtime mode in tactical part of the game (optionally, of course)? (like in    Apocalypse)

2. Will there be system of promotions and awards for firesquads members and will player have  an opportunity to decide which soldier is going to be promoted?

Tertio...I suggest You to put rank before soldier's name in team member list.

Trivial details, i know, but nice

Good luck mates! This is fantastic what you're doing. I'll try to help anyway i can.