2017/04/07 19:14:57 ----- network initialization ------- 2017/04/07 19:14:57 libcurl/7.37.0 initialized. 2017/04/07 19:14:57 ------ server initialization ------- 2017/04/07 19:14:57 added 12 maps to the mapcycle 2017/04/07 19:14:57 ----- console initialization ------- 2017/04/07 19:14:57 Console initialized. 2017/04/07 19:14:57 ------- video initialization ------- 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: SDL version: 1.2.15 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: desktop depth: 32bpp 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: video memory: 0 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: video driver: x11 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: Available resolutions: 1600x900 1024x768 848x480 800x600 640x480 (5) 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: setting mode -1 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: try to get display with 1536x864 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: disable multisample buffers 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: set swap control to 0 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: 1536x864 (fullscreen: no) 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: got 8 bits of stencil 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: got 24 bits of depth buffer 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: got double buffer 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: got 8 bits for red 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: got 8 bits for green 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: got 8 bits for blue 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: got 0 bits for alpha 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: got multisample disabled 2017/04/07 19:14:57 I: got 0 multisample buffers GL_VENDOR: nouveau2017/04/07 19:14:57 GL_RENDERER: Gallium 0.4 on NV1062017/04/07 19:14:57 GL_VERSION: 3.0 Mesa 12.0.62017/04/07 19:14:57 GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_ARB_multisample GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_polygon_offset GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_texture GL_EXT_texture3D GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_IBM_multimode_draw_arrays GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_INGR_blend_func_separate GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_S3_s3tc GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_MESA_window_pos GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_fog_distance GL_APPLE_packed_pixels GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_MESA_pack_invert GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ATI_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_OES_read_format GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_timer_query GL_OES_EGL_image GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_NV_conditional_render GL_AMD_conservative_depth GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_texture_snorm GL_MESA_texture_signed_rgba GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_robstness GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_NV_vdpau_interop GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_transform_feedback GL_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_KHR_debug GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_query_buffer_object GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_texture_stencil8 GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_ARB_clip_control GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted GL_ARB_cull_distance GL_ARB_derivative_control GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples GL_ARB_texture_barrier GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops 2017/04/07 19:14:57 2017/04/07 19:14:57 OpenGL version detected: 3.0 2017/04/07 19:14:57 found GL_ARB_multitexture 2017/04/07 19:14:57 found GL_ARB_texture_compression 2017/04/07 19:14:57 found GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two 2017/04/07 19:14:57 using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two 2017/04/07 19:14:57 found GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic 2017/04/07 19:14:57 found GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias 2017/04/07 19:14:57 found GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object 2017/04/07 19:14:57 using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object max vertex buffer size: 3000 2017/04/07 19:14:57 found GL_ARB_fragment_shader 2017/04/07 19:14:57 found GL_ARB_shading_language_100 2017/04/07 19:14:57 GLSL version guaranteed to be supported by OpenGL implementation postfixed by vender supplied info: 1.30 2017/04/07 19:14:57 found GL_###_framebuffer_object 2017/04/07 19:14:57 using GL_ARB_framebuffer_object 2017/04/07 19:14:57 max draw buffers: 8 2017/04/07 19:14:57 max render buffer size: 16384 2017/04/07 19:14:57 max color attachments: 8 2017/04/07 19:14:57 found GL_###_draw_buffers 2017/04/07 19:14:57 using GL_ARB_draw_buffers 2017/04/07 19:14:57 max supported vertex texture units: 32 2017/04/07 19:14:57 max supported lights: 8 2017/04/07 19:14:57 max texture units: 8 2017/04/07 19:14:57 max texture coords: 8 2017/04/07 19:14:57 max vertex attributes: 16 2017/04/07 19:14:57 max varying floats: 124 2017/04/07 19:14:57 max fragment uniform components: 16384 2017/04/07 19:14:57 max vertex uniform components: 16384 2017/04/07 19:14:57 max texture size: detected 16384 2017/04/07 19:14:57 ...but using 2048 as requested 2017/04/07 19:14:57 Using low resolution globe textures as requested. 2017/04/07 19:14:57 R_LoadProgram: 'world_low' loaded. 2017/04/07 19:14:57 R_LoadProgram: 'model_low' loaded. 2017/04/07 19:14:57 R_LoadProgram: 'warp' loaded. 2017/04/07 19:14:58 R_LoadProgram: 'geoscape' loaded. 2017/04/07 19:14:58 R_LoadProgram: 'combine2' loaded. 2017/04/07 19:14:58 R_LoadProgram: 'convolve3' loaded. 2017/04/07 19:14:58 R_LoadProgram: 'atmosphere' loaded. 2017/04/07 19:14:58 R_LoadProgram: 'simple_glow' loaded. 2017/04/07 19:14:58 SDL_ttf version 2.0.11 - we need at least 2.0.7 2017/04/07 19:14:58 ------- sound initialization ------- 2017/04/07 19:14:58 SDL_mixer version: 1.2.12 2017/04/07 19:14:58 ... requested audio rate: 44100 2017/04/07 19:14:58 ... driver: 'pulse' 2017/04/07 19:14:58 ... audio rate: 44100 2017/04/07 19:14:58 ... audio channels: 2 2017/04/07 19:14:58 ... loaded ogg vorbis support 2017/04/07 19:14:58 ------- input initialization ------- 2017/04/07 19:14:58 0 possible joysticks 2017/04/07 19:14:58 no joystick found. 2017/04/07 19:14:58 Allocate 3 megabytes for the ui hunk 2017/04/07 19:14:58 ------- web initialization --------- 2017/04/07 19:14:58 ... web access not yet configured 2017/04/07 19:14:58 ----------- parse scripts ---------- 2017/04/07 19:14:58 60 script files 2017/04/07 19:14:59 61 ui script files 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: _assets.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: _assets_base.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: _assets_hud.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseNodeBody: Command name for confunc 'PlayerSquad.squad_custom_options.squad_custom_load_opts.teamsaveslotadd' already registered 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseNodeBody: Command name for confunc 'PlayerSquad.squad_custom_options.squad_custom_load_opts.teamsaveslotsclear' already registered 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseNodeBody: Command name for confunc 'PlayerSquad.squad_custom_options.squad_custom_loaded_opts.team_memberadd' already registered 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseNodeBody: Command name for confunc 'PlayerSquad.squad_custom_options.squad_custom_loaded_opts.team_membersclear' already registered 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: campaign_main.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: cgame.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: endgame.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: hud_.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: hud_default.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: intro.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: inv_stat.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: mailclient.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: main.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: missionbriefing.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: missionmenu.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: modeltest.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: popup_exitcampaign.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: popup_quickload.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: tutorials.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: ufox.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 UI_ParseAndLoadLuaScript: web.ufo 2017/04/07 19:14:59 Shared Client/Server Info loaded 2017/04/07 19:14:59 ...124 items parsed 2017/04/07 19:14:59 ... 32 damage types parsed 2017/04/07 19:14:59 ... 52 equipment definitions parsed 2017/04/07 19:14:59 ... 10 inventory definitions parsed 2017/04/07 19:14:59 ... 25 team definitions parsed 2017/04/07 19:14:59 executing keys.cfg 2017/04/07 19:14:59 Music: track changed from to van_theme. 2017/04/07 19:14:59 executing autoexec.cfg 2017/04/07 19:14:59 "version" is "UFO: Alien Invasion 2.6-dev AMD64 Apr 7 2017 Linux RELEASE" 2017/04/07 19:15:09 No skin for #0 of 'aliens/bloodspider/bloodspider' 2017/04/07 19:15:09 No skin for #0 of 'aliens/bloodspider/bloodspider' 2017/04/07 19:15:09 No skin for #0 of 'aliens/bloodspider_adv/head' 2017/04/07 19:15:09 No skin for #0 of 'aliens/hovernet/head' 2017/04/07 19:15:09 No skin for #0 of 'aliens/hovernet_adv/head' 2017/04/07 19:15:09 179 static models loaded 2017/04/07 19:15:09 CL_LanguageInit: language settings are stored in configuration: en 2017/04/07 19:15:10 ...using language: en_ZW.utf8 2017/04/07 19:15:10 SDL_ttf version 2.0.11 - we need at least 2.0.7 2017/04/07 19:15:10 ...registering 14 fonts 2017/04/07 19:15:10 ----------- parse msgids ----------- 2017/04/07 19:15:10 18 msgid files 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for ufo_carrier_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for ufo_gunboat_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for ufo_ripper_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for ufo_mothership_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for irc_motd 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for mail_ufocarrier 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for victory_condition_fueldump 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for mission_briefing_mansion 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for victory_condition_mansion 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for ugv_phoenix_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for ugv_ares_w_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for ugv_chaingun_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for ugv_chaingun_belt_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for ugv_weapon_autocannon_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for ugv_weapon_autocannon_pre_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for vhs_assault_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for xaw95_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for bombkit1_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for chaingun_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 no translation for encased_plasma_txt 2017/04/07 19:15:10 ----------- game modes ------------- 2017/04/07 19:15:10 added _Multiplayer 2017/04/07 19:15:10 added _Campaign 2017/04/07 19:15:10 added _Skirmish 2017/04/07 19:15:10 added 3 game modes 2017/04/07 19:15:10 ====== UFO Initialized ====== 2017/04/07 19:15:10 ============================= 2017/04/07 19:15:10 Switch grab input off 2017/04/07 19:15:37 Change gametype to 'Skirmish mode' 2017/04/07 19:15:49 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "this.video_adv_line_label@color" doesn't exist (source: options.opts_windows.opts_video.video_adv_line) 2017/04/07 19:15:49 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "this.video_adv_line_label@color" doesn't exist (source: options.opts_windows.opts_video.video_adv_line) 2017/04/07 19:15:49 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "this.video_adv_line_label@color" doesn't exist (source: options.opts_windows.opts_video.video_adv_line) 2017/04/07 19:15:49 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "this.video_adv_line_label@color" doesn't exist (source: options.opts_windows.opts_video.video_adv_line) 2017/04/07 19:17:29 Starting skirmish with 12 soldiers and 0 ugvs 2017/04/07 19:17:29 setting game random seed to 151393 2017/04/07 19:17:29 Map info - map type: RMA 2017/04/07 19:17:29 Map info - map name: +frozen 2017/04/07 19:17:29 Map info - assembly name: lake_ice 2017/04/07 19:17:29 SV_ParseAssembly: warning - cvar 'rm_drop' value doesn't seem to be a valid tile id '' - set to default '+craft_drop_firebird' 2017/04/07 19:17:29 SV_ParseAssembly: warning - cvar 'rm_ufo' value doesn't seem to be a valid tile id '' - set to default '+craft_ufo_bomber' 2017/04/07 19:17:29 Map info - tiles used: -frozen/st_ +h01 +h03 +i07 +n06 +n08 +river_lake +river_v_1 +river_v_2 +river_se +river_h_1 +river_h_2 +start +n05 +n04 +n05 2017/04/07 19:17:29 Map info - tiles pos: -24 -16 0 8 -16 0 -8 16 0 0 -8 0 -24 0 0 -24 -24 0 -8 -16 0 -8 -8 0 -8 0 0 8 8 0 16 8 0 16 -16 0 0 -16 0 -24 24 0 -16 24 0 2017/04/07 19:17:29 Map info - tiles count: 15 2017/04/07 19:17:30 Rerouted 768 cols for RMA in 0.0s 2017/04/07 19:17:30 checksum for the map '+frozen': 2609568896 2017/04/07 19:17:30 ufo script checksum 2889333864 2017/04/07 19:17:30 Used inventory slots after ai spawn: 0 2017/04/07 19:17:30 ------------------------------------- 2017/04/07 19:17:30 Connecting to localhost... 2017/04/07 19:17:30 connection attempt from loopback connection 2017/04/07 19:17:30 ==== InitGame ==== 2017/04/07 19:17:30 Spawned ai player for team 0 with entnum 67 (a c) 2017/04/07 19:17:30 Spawned ai player for team 0 with entnum 68 (a c) 2017/04/07 19:17:30 Spawned ai player for team 0 with entnum 69 (b c) 2017/04/07 19:17:30 Not enough spawn points for team 0 2017/04/07 19:17:30 Created AI player (team 0) 2017/04/07 19:17:30 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 70 (Uorgz Ur Uor Umhfm) 2017/04/07 19:17:30 Created AI player (team 7) 2017/04/07 19:17:30 Rerouted for 4 Edicts in 0.00s 2017/04/07 19:17:32 load material file: 'materials/frozen.mat' 2017/04/07 19:17:32 World model: 13570 triangles 2017/04/07 19:17:32 Planting grass ... 2017/04/07 19:17:32 Total grassy area is 0 units (0 cells) 2017/04/07 19:17:32 Planted 0 clumps of grass 2017/04/07 19:17:33 Starting the game... 2017/04/07 19:17:33 anonymissimus has joined team 1 2017/04/07 19:17:33 Music: track changed from van_theme to space. 2017/04/07 19:17:34 Used inventory slots: 0 2017/04/07 19:17:34 Used inventory slots client anonymissimus spawn: 0 2017/04/07 19:17:36 (player 0) It's team 1's turn! 2017/04/07 19:17:36 Rerouted for 4 LEs in 0.00s 2017/04/07 19:17:36 anonymissimus has taken control over team 1. 2017/04/07 19:18:42 Team 1 ended round 2017/04/07 19:18:42 Team 7's round started! 2017/04/07 19:18:51 Team 7 ended round 2017/04/07 19:18:51 Team 0's round started! 2017/04/07 19:18:53 Team 0 ended round 2017/04/07 19:18:53 Team 1's round started! 2017/04/07 19:19:06 Music: track changed from space to Crystan-Battlescape03. 2017/04/07 19:19:48 [STATS] End of game - Team 7 is the winner 2017/04/07 19:19:49 Shutdown gametype 'Skirmish mode' 2017/04/07 19:19:49 Shutdown server: Quitting server. 2017/04/07 19:19:49 Used inventory slots in game on shutdown: 0 2017/04/07 19:19:49 Disconnecting... 2017/04/07 19:19:49 Client stream was closed 2017/04/07 19:19:49 Used inventory slots after battle: 0 2017/04/07 19:20:01 Change gametype to 'Campaign mode' 2017/04/07 19:20:01 --- save subsystem initialization -- 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added campaign subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added research subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added base subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added hospital subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added market subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added employee subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added aliencont subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added aircraft subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added alien base subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added interest subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added installation subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added mission subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added ufostores subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added production subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added messagesystem subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added stats subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added nations subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added transfer subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added xvirate subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added messageoptions subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 added triggerevents subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:01 Campaign data loaded - size 1547944 bytes 2017/04/07 19:20:01 ...techs: 233 2017/04/07 19:20:01 ...buildings: 16 2017/04/07 19:20:01 ...ranks: 16 2017/04/07 19:20:01 ...nations: 8 2017/04/07 19:20:01 ...cities: 457 2017/04/07 19:20:01 2017/04/07 19:20:08 Cvar 'sel_load_slot;' wasn't found 2017/04/07 19:20:08 Loading savegame xml (size 65183) 2017/04/07 19:20:08 Loading savegame ...version: 4 ...game version: 2.6-dev ...xml Size: 737400, compressed? y 2017/04/07 19:20:08 Shutdown gametype 'Campaign mode' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 Change gametype to 'Campaign mode' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 --- save subsystem initialization -- 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added campaign subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added research subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added base subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added hospital subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added market subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added employee subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added aliencont subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added aircraft subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added alien base subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added interest subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added installation subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added mission subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added ufostores subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added production subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added messagesystem subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added stats subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added nations subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added transfer subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added xvirate subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added messageoptions subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 added triggerevents subsystem 2017/04/07 19:20:08 Campaign data loaded - size 1547944 bytes 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...techs: 233 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...buildings: 16 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...ranks: 16 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...nations: 8 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...cities: 457 2017/04/07 19:20:08 2017/04/07 19:20:08 Load 'save/campaign/slot2.savx' 21 subsystems 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'campaign' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'campaign' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'research' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'research' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'base' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'base' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'hospital' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'hospital' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'market' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'market' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'employee' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'employee' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'aliencont' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'aliencont' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'aircraft' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'aircraft' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'alien base' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'alien base' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'interest' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'interest' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'installation' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'installation' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'mission' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'mission' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'ufostores' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'ufostores' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'production' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'production' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'messagesystem' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'messagesystem' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'stats' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'stats' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'nations' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'nations' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'transfer' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'transfer' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'xvirate' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'xvirate' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'messageoptions' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'messageoptions' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...Running subsystem 'triggerevents' 2017/04/07 19:20:08 ...subsystem 'triggerevents' - loaded. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 File 'save/campaign/slot2.savx' successfully loaded from compressed xml savegame. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 Music: track changed from Crystan-Battlescape03 to van_geoscape. 2017/04/07 19:20:08 Music: track changed from Crystan-Battlescape03 to van_geoscape. 2017/04/07 19:24:36 Music: track changed from van_geoscape to karlmacklin_geoscape. 2017/04/07 19:29:03 Music: track changed from karlmacklin_geoscape to karlmacklin_geoscape. 2017/04/07 19:33:30 Music: track changed from karlmacklin_geoscape to van_geoscape. 2017/04/07 19:37:55 Music: track changed from van_geoscape to Crystan-Geosphere03. 2017/04/07 19:42:23 Music: track changed from Crystan-Geosphere03 to Crystan-Geosphere04. 2017/04/07 19:47:42 Music: track changed from Crystan-Geosphere04 to Crystan-Geosphere04. 2017/04/07 19:53:00 Music: track changed from Crystan-Geosphere04 to Crystan-Geosphere03. 2017/04/07 19:57:28 Music: track changed from Crystan-Geosphere03 to Crystan-Geosphere02. 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Calling subsystems 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'campaign' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'research' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'base' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'hospital' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'market' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'employee' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'aircraft' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'alien base' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'interest' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'installation' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'mission' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'ufostores' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'production' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'messagesystem' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'stats' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'nations' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'transfer' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'xvirate' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'messageoptions' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ...subsystem 'triggerevents' - saved 2017/04/07 19:58:59 XML Written to buffer (737430 Bytes) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Can't delete the cvar 'g_difficulty' - it's a special cvar 2017/04/07 19:58:59 g_difficulty is write protected. 2017/04/07 19:58:59 g_notu is a developer cvar. 2017/04/07 19:58:59 g_nospawn is a developer cvar. 2017/04/07 19:58:59 setting game random seed to 2641310 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Map info - map type: RMA 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Map info - map name: +frozen 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Map info - assembly name: lake_ice 2017/04/07 19:58:59 SV_ParseAssembly: warning - cvar 'rm_drop' value doesn't seem to be a valid tile id '' - set to default '+craft_drop_firebird' 2017/04/07 19:58:59 SV_ParseAssembly: warning - cvar 'rm_ufo' value doesn't seem to be a valid tile id '' - set to default '+craft_ufo_bomber' 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Map info - tiles used: -frozen/st_ +h01 +h03 +i07 +n06 +n08 +river_lake +river_v_1 +river_v_2 +river_se +river_h_1 +river_h_2 +start +n05 +n01 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Map info - tiles pos: -24 -16 0 8 -16 0 -8 16 0 0 -8 0 -24 0 0 -24 -24 0 -8 -16 0 -8 -8 0 -8 0 0 8 8 0 16 8 0 16 -16 0 0 -16 0 -24 24 0 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Map info - tiles count: 14 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Rerouted 761 cols for RMA in 0.0s 2017/04/07 19:58:59 checksum for the map '+frozen': 566653789 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ufo script checksum 2889333864 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Used inventory slots after ai spawn: 0 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ------------------------------------- 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Connecting to localhost... 2017/04/07 19:58:59 connection attempt from loopback connection 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ==== ShutdownGame ==== 2017/04/07 19:58:59 ==== InitGame ==== 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Spawned ai player for team 0 with entnum 66 (a c) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Spawned ai player for team 0 with entnum 67 (b c) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Spawned ai player for team 0 with entnum 68 (a c) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Not enough spawn points for team 0 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Created AI player (team 0) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 69 (Uurunz Kr Hrm Uorpf) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 70 (C/BS/Z 010.1100) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 71 (Akrokk Sk Trevuk) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 72 (C/BS/A 000.1100) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 73 (Fhzwh Vso Zshff) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 74 (Uorgz Zo Ooz Ruzsu) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 75 (C/BS/Z 111.1100) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 76 (Morgh Ks Ksr Ouurz) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 77 (CHN/U 000.1100) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Created AI player (team 7) 2017/04/07 19:58:59 Rerouted for 4 Edicts in 0.00s 2017/04/07 19:59:00 load material file: 'materials/frozen.mat' 2017/04/07 19:59:00 World model: 13597 triangles 2017/04/07 19:59:00 Planting grass ... 2017/04/07 19:59:00 Total grassy area is 0 units (0 cells) 2017/04/07 19:59:00 Planted 0 clumps of grass 2017/04/07 19:59:01 Starting the game... 2017/04/07 19:59:01 anonymissimus has joined team 1 2017/04/07 19:59:01 Music: track changed from Crystan-Geosphere02 to returnjourney. 2017/04/07 19:59:03 Used inventory slots: 0 2017/04/07 19:59:03 Used inventory slots client anonymissimus spawn: 0 2017/04/07 19:59:05 (player 0) It's team 1's turn! 2017/04/07 19:59:05 Rerouted for 4 LEs in 0.00s 2017/04/07 19:59:05 anonymissimus has taken control over team 1. 2017/04/07 20:04:54 radar frozen/st_h01 -24x-16 2017/04/07 20:04:54 radar frozen/st_h03 8x-16 2017/04/07 20:04:54 radar frozen/st_i07 -8x16 2017/04/07 20:04:54 radar frozen/st_n06 0x-8 2017/04/07 20:04:54 radar frozen/st_n08 -24x0 2017/04/07 20:04:54 radar frozen/st_river_lake -24x-24 2017/04/07 20:04:54 radar frozen/st_river_v_1 -8x-16 2017/04/07 20:04:54 radar frozen/st_river_v_2 -8x-8 2017/04/07 20:04:54 radar frozen/st_river_se -8x0 2017/04/07 20:04:54 radar frozen/st_river_h_1 8x8 2017/04/07 20:04:54 radar frozen/st_river_h_2 16x8 2017/04/07 20:04:54 radar frozen/st_start 16x-16 2017/04/07 20:04:54 radar frozen/st_n05 0x-16 2017/04/07 20:04:54 radar frozen/st_n01 -24x24 2017/04/07 20:04:54 No radar images for map: 'frozen/st_h01' 2017/04/07 20:07:50 Music: track changed from returnjourney to Crystan-Battlescape02. 2017/04/07 20:13:15 Music: track changed from Crystan-Battlescape02 to PsymongR4. 2017/04/07 20:15:26 Music: track changed from PsymongR4 to PsymongN5. 2017/04/07 20:20:13 [STATS] anonymissimus (Mitchell Caldas 74 39 S) kills alien (C/BS/Z 010.1100) with Aimed Shot of encased_plasma_sniper_ammo (entnum: 70) 2017/04/07 20:22:29 Music: track changed from PsymongN5 to TheThings-Slippycurb. 2017/04/07 20:23:40 [STATS] anonymissimus (Shuwei Vasquez 78 39 S) kills alien (CHN/U 000.1100) with Aimed Shot of coilgun_ammo (entnum: 77) 2017/04/07 20:27:45 [STATS] anonymissimus (Marisa Johnson 72 39 E) kills alien (Morgh Ks Ksr Ouurz) with Aimed Shot (Impact) of grenl_plasma_ammo (entnum: 76) 2017/04/07 20:30:20 Music: track changed from TheThings-Slippycurb to PsymongO6. 2017/04/07 20:35:05 Music: track changed from PsymongO6 to van_mission3. 2017/04/07 20:40:51 Music: track changed from van_mission3 to PsymongR5. 2017/04/07 20:41:54 Music: track changed from PsymongR5 to greecei. 2017/04/07 20:43:39 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 20:44:15 Music: track changed from greecei to Crystan-Battlescape06. 2017/04/07 20:45:04 Team 1 ended round 2017/04/07 20:45:04 Team 7's round started! 2017/04/07 20:45:27 Team 7 ended round 2017/04/07 20:45:27 Team 0's round started! 2017/04/07 20:45:30 Team 0 ended round 2017/04/07 20:45:30 Team 1's round started! 2017/04/07 20:48:11 Music: track changed from Crystan-Battlescape06 to greecei. 2017/04/07 20:50:31 Music: track changed from greecei to space. 2017/04/07 20:52:02 Music: track changed from space to PsymongN1. 2017/04/07 20:56:55 Music: track changed from PsymongN1 to PsymongO6. 2017/04/07 21:00:32 [STATS] anonymissimus (Marisa Johnson 72 39 E) kills alien (C/BS/A 000.1100) with Snap Shot (Impact) of grenl_plasma_ammo (entnum: 72) 2017/04/07 21:01:40 Music: track changed from PsymongO6 to PsymongR5. 2017/04/07 21:02:43 Music: track changed from PsymongR5 to PsymongR4. 2017/04/07 21:04:54 Music: track changed from PsymongR4 to PsymongR5. 2017/04/07 21:05:57 Music: track changed from PsymongR5 to PsymongR3. 2017/04/07 21:10:19 Music: track changed from PsymongR3 to PsymongO4. 2017/04/07 21:10:38 [STATS] anonymissimus (Ruby Dixit 74 37 A) stuns alien (Uorgz Zo Ooz Ruzsu) with 3-Round Burst of pbeamrifle_ammo (entnum: 74) 2017/04/07 21:12:44 [STATS] anonymissimus (Rehyaaz Sanchez 74 36 A) kills alien (C/BS/Z 111.1100) with Wave Fire of laser_ammo (entnum: 75) 2017/04/07 21:14:23 Music: track changed from PsymongO4 to Crystan-Battlescape02. 2017/04/07 21:15:24 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:15:28 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:15:34 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:15:35 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:15:36 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:15:46 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:15:52 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:15:53 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:15:54 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:15:56 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:15:58 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:05 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:06 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:07 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:08 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:09 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:11 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:13 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:21 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:22 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:29 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:30 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:31 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:42 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:44 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:51 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:51 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:52 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:16:55 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:17:02 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:17:03 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:17:04 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:17:34 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:17:35 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:17:47 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:17:48 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:17:49 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:17:54 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:02 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:03 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:04 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:05 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:06 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:12 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:22 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:27 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:29 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:30 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:31 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:32 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:35 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:36 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:53 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:18:53 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:19:01 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:19:01 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:19:05 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:19:12 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:19:24 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:19:40 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:19:48 Music: track changed from Crystan-Battlescape02 to PsymongN1. 2017/04/07 21:19:58 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:20:08 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:20:09 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:21:36 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:24:42 Music: track changed from PsymongN1 to van_mission4. 2017/04/07 21:25:22 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 99! 2017/04/07 21:25:22 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 101! 2017/04/07 21:25:22 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 103! 2017/04/07 21:25:22 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 111! 2017/04/07 21:25:22 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 113! 2017/04/07 21:25:22 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 172! 2017/04/07 21:25:22 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 178! 2017/04/07 21:25:22 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 180! 2017/04/07 21:25:22 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 184! 2017/04/07 21:25:22 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 186! 2017/04/07 21:25:22 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 192! 2017/04/07 21:25:22 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 198! 2017/04/07 21:25:22 Team 1 ended round 2017/04/07 21:25:22 Team 7's round started! 2017/04/07 21:25:22 [STATS] Uurunz Kr Hrm Uorpf panics (entnum 69). 2017/04/07 21:25:22 [STATS] Uorgz Zo Ooz Ruzsu panics (entnum 74). 2017/04/07 21:25:25 [STATS] Uurunz Kr Hrm Uorpf is bleeding (damage: 5) 2017/04/07 21:25:25 [STATS] Uorgz Zo Ooz Ruzsu is bleeding (damage: 7) 2017/04/07 21:25:25 G_ActorDieOrStun: State wasn't changed 2017/04/07 21:25:38 Team 7 ended round 2017/04/07 21:25:38 Team 0's round started! 2017/04/07 21:25:42 Team 0 ended round 2017/04/07 21:25:42 Team 1's round started! 2017/04/07 21:29:57 Music: track changed from van_mission4 to PsymongO1. 2017/04/07 21:32:28 Music: track changed from PsymongO1 to PsymongR4. 2017/04/07 21:34:34 [STATS] anonymissimus (Ruby Dixit 74 37 A) kills alien (Akrokk Sk Trevuk) with Snap Shot of pbeamrifle_ammo (entnum: 71) 2017/04/07 21:34:39 Music: track changed from PsymongR4 to Crystan-Battlescape06. 2017/04/07 21:35:32 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:35:32 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:35:32 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:35:32 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:35:32 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:35:32 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:35:32 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:35:32 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:35:32 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:35:32 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:35:32 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:35:32 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:35:32 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:35:32 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:35:53 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:35:54 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:35:54 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Music: track changed from Crystan-Battlescape06 to PsymongO4. 2017/04/07 21:38:35 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 260! 2017/04/07 21:38:35 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 264! 2017/04/07 21:38:35 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 274! 2017/04/07 21:38:35 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 276! 2017/04/07 21:38:35 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 278! 2017/04/07 21:38:35 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 282! 2017/04/07 21:38:35 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 284! 2017/04/07 21:38:35 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 290! 2017/04/07 21:38:35 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 292! 2017/04/07 21:38:35 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 294! 2017/04/07 21:38:35 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 296! 2017/04/07 21:38:35 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 298! 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:38:35 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:39:37 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:39:38 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:39:44 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:39:45 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:39:45 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:39:46 Usage: hud_selectreactionfiremode [l|r] num=firemode number 2017/04/07 21:40:21 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 93! 2017/04/07 21:40:21 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 95! 2017/04/07 21:40:21 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 105! 2017/04/07 21:40:21 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 454! 2017/04/07 21:40:21 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 456! 2017/04/07 21:40:21 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 464! 2017/04/07 21:40:21 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 466! 2017/04/07 21:40:21 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 474! 2017/04/07 21:40:21 CL_EntPerish: Particle is nullptr for entnum 476! 2017/04/07 21:40:21 Team 1 ended round 2017/04/07 21:40:21 Team 7's round started! 2017/04/07 21:40:21 [STATS] Uurunz Kr Hrm Uorpf is no longer panicked (entnum 69). 2017/04/07 21:40:21 [STATS] Uorgz Zo Ooz Ruzsu panics (entnum 74). 2017/04/07 21:40:25 [STATS] anonymissimus (Francisco Weissenbach 44F) kills alien (Fhzwh Vso Zshff) with Wave Fire of laser_ammo (entnum: 73) 2017/04/07 21:40:26 [STATS] Uurunz Kr Hrm Uorpf is bleeding (damage: 5) 2017/04/07 21:40:26 [STATS] Uorgz Zo Ooz Ruzsu is bleeding (damage: 7) 2017/04/07 21:40:26 G_ActorDieOrStun: State wasn't changed 2017/04/07 21:40:30 UI_CreateControl: "rf-83-73" is not a well formed node name ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*) 2017/04/07 21:40:30 UI_ExecuteLuaConFunc 2017/04/07 21:40:30 lua error(0) [node=hud_default.reactionfire_addtarget, behaviour=confunc]: [string "hud_default.ufo"]:1139: attempt to index local 'node' (a nil value) 2017/04/07 21:40:33 UI_CreateControl: "rf-83-73" is not a well formed node name ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*) 2017/04/07 21:40:33 UI_ExecuteLuaConFunc 2017/04/07 21:40:33 lua error(0) [node=hud_default.reactionfire_addtarget, behaviour=confunc]: [string "hud_default.ufo"]:1139: attempt to index local 'node' (a nil value) 2017/04/07 21:40:40 UI_CreateControl: "rf-83-73" is not a well formed node name ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*) 2017/04/07 21:40:40 UI_ExecuteLuaConFunc 2017/04/07 21:40:40 lua error(0) [node=hud_default.reactionfire_addtarget, behaviour=confunc]: [string "hud_default.ufo"]:1139: attempt to index local 'node' (a nil value) 2017/04/07 21:40:43 Team 7 ended round 2017/04/07 21:40:43 Team 0's round started! 2017/04/07 21:40:46 Team 0 ended round 2017/04/07 21:40:46 Team 1's round started! 2017/04/07 21:42:39 Music: track changed from PsymongO4 to Crystan-Battlescape04. 2017/04/07 21:45:51 Music: track changed from Crystan-Battlescape04 to PsymongO2. 2017/04/07 21:46:02 [STATS] anonymissimus (Shuwei Vasquez 78 39 S) kills alien (Uurunz Kr Hrm Uorpf) with Aimed Shot of coilgun_ammo (entnum: 69) 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'firefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:04 Could not spawn particle: 'smokefield' 2017/04/07 21:46:05 [STATS] End of game - Team 1 is the winner 2017/04/07 21:46:06 Disconnecting... 2017/04/07 21:46:06 Client stream was closed 2017/04/07 21:46:06 Used inventory slots after battle: 0 2017/04/07 21:46:06 Shutdown server: Mission end 2017/04/07 21:46:06 Used inventory slots in game on shutdown: 0 2017/04/07 21:46:06 Music: track changed from PsymongO2 to Crystan-Geosphere03. 2017/04/07 21:47:40 Calling subsystems 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'campaign' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'research' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'base' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'hospital' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'market' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'employee' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'aircraft' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'alien base' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'interest' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'installation' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'mission' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'ufostores' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'production' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'messagesystem' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'stats' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'nations' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'transfer' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'xvirate' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'messageoptions' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 ...subsystem 'triggerevents' - saved 2017/04/07 21:47:40 XML Written to buffer (737927 Bytes) 2017/04/07 21:47:43 Shutdown gametype 'Campaign mode' 2017/04/07 21:47:43 Music: track changed from Crystan-Geosphere03 to van_theme. 2017/04/07 21:47:44 Wrote config.cfg. 2017/04/07 21:47:44 Wrote keys.cfg