To auto-link to an existing issue, write "issue", "bug", "ticket" or the issue type (like "bug report" or "enhancement") followed by the issue number (ex: "ticket #3" or "bug report MYPROJ-1"). Enclose sourcecode samples between two "~~~~" lines.
See more formatting tips in MarkdownFormatting.
The Bug Genie uses an enhanced flavor of the markdown syntax, which makes each newline count. If you want to add a linebreak, add a new line and it will be presented just like you type.
See more formatting tips in MarkdownFormatting.
The Bug Genie will automatically add new lines when you add two new lines in your text, whereas one new line is used for formatting as you type. To force a new line, use the <br> tag: "There is a new<br>line here".
See more formatting tips in WikiFormatting.