2013/09/23 18:06:42 ----- network initialization ------- 2013/09/23 18:06:42 libcurl/7.28.1 OpenSSL/1.0.1e zlib/1.2.7 libidn/1.25 libssh2/1.4.3 initialized. 2013/09/23 18:06:42 ------ server initialization ------- 2013/09/23 18:06:42 added 12 maps to the mapcycle 2013/09/23 18:06:42 ----- console initialization ------- 2013/09/23 18:06:42 Console initialized. 2013/09/23 18:06:42 ------- video initialization ------- 2013/09/23 18:06:42 SDL version: 1.2.15 2013/09/23 18:06:42 I: desktop depth: 32bpp 2013/09/23 18:06:42 I: video memory: 0 2013/09/23 18:06:42 I: video driver: x11 2013/09/23 18:06:42 I: Available resolutions: 1920x1080 1680x1050 1600x1200 1440x900 1366x768 1280x1024 1280x960 1280x800 1280x720 1024x768 800x600 720x576 720x480 640x480 (14) 2013/09/23 18:06:42 I: setting mode -1 2013/09/23 18:06:42 I: set multisample buffers to 4 2013/09/23 18:06:42 I: set swap control to 1 2013/09/23 18:06:43 I: 1408x984 (fullscreen: no) 2013/09/23 18:06:43 I: got 8 bits of stencil 2013/09/23 18:06:43 I: got 24 bits of depth buffer 2013/09/23 18:06:43 I: got double buffer 2013/09/23 18:06:43 I: got 8 bits for red 2013/09/23 18:06:43 I: got 8 bits for green 2013/09/23 18:06:43 I: got 8 bits for blue 2013/09/23 18:06:43 I: got 0 bits for alpha 2013/09/23 18:06:43 I: got multisample enabled 2013/09/23 18:06:43 I: got 1 multisample buffers GL_VENDOR: NVIDIA Corporation2013/09/23 18:06:43 GL_RENDERER: GeForce GTX 660/PCIe/SSE22013/09/23 18:06:43 GL_VERSION: 4.3.0 NVIDIA 319.322013/09/23 18:06:43 GL_EXTENSIONS: GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXTX_framebuffer_mixed_formats GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondar_color GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback2 GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_EXT_x11_sync_object GL_EXT_import_sync_object GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KHR_debug GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_bindless_texture GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_compute_program5 GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_depth_buffer_float GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_draw_texture GL_NV_ES1_1_compatibility GL_NV_explicit_multisample GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_geometry_shader4 GL_NV_gpu_program4 GL_NV_gpu_program4_1 GL_NV_gpu_program5 GL_NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended GL_NV_gpu_program_fp64 GL_NV_gpu_shader5 GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_coverage GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2 GL_NV_path_rendering GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters GL_NV_shader_atomic_float GL_NV_shader_buffer_load GL_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_expand_normal GL_NV_texture_multisample GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_transform_feedback GL_NV_transform_feedback2 GL_NV_vdpau_interop GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info GL_NVX_nvenc_interop GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum 2013/09/23 18:06:43 OpenGL version detected: 4.32013/09/23 18:06:43 found GL_ARB_multitexture 2013/09/23 18:06:43 found GL_ARB_texture_compression 2013/09/23 18:06:43 found GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two 2013/09/23 18:06:43 using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two 2013/09/23 18:06:43 found GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic 2013/09/23 18:06:43 found GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias 2013/09/23 18:06:43 found GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object 2013/09/23 18:06:43 using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object max vertex buffer size: 1048576 2013/09/23 18:06:43 found GL_ARB_fragment_shader 2013/09/23 18:06:43 found GL_ARB_shading_language_100 2013/09/23 18:06:43 GLSL version guaranteed to be supported by OpenGL implementation postfixed by vender supplied info: 4.30 2013/09/23 18:06:43 found GL_###_framebuffer_object 2013/09/23 18:06:43 using GL_ARB_framebuffer_object 2013/09/23 18:06:43 max draw buffers: 8 2013/09/23 18:06:43 max render buffer size: 16384 2013/09/23 18:06:43 max color attachments: 8 2013/09/23 18:06:43 found GL_###_draw_buffers 2013/09/23 18:06:43 using GL_ARB_draw_buffers 2013/09/23 18:06:43 max supported vertex texture units: 32 2013/09/23 18:06:43 max supported lights: 8 2013/09/23 18:06:43 max texture units: 4 2013/09/23 18:06:43 max texture coords: 8 2013/09/23 18:06:43 max vertex attributes: 16 2013/09/23 18:06:43 max varying floats: 124 2013/09/23 18:06:43 max fragment uniform components: 2048 2013/09/23 18:06:43 max vertex uniform components: 4096 2013/09/23 18:06:43 max texture size: detected 16384 2013/09/23 18:06:43 ...but using 8192 as requested 2013/09/23 18:06:43 Warning: high resolution globe textures requested, but could not be found; falling back to medium resolution globe textures. 2013/09/23 18:06:43 R_LoadProgram: 'world_med' loaded. 2013/09/23 18:06:43 R_LoadProgram: 'model_high' loaded. 2013/09/23 18:06:43 R_LoadProgram: 'warp' loaded. 2013/09/23 18:06:43 R_LoadProgram: 'geoscape' loaded. 2013/09/23 18:06:43 R_LoadProgram: 'combine2' loaded. 2013/09/23 18:06:43 R_LoadProgram: 'convolve3' loaded. 2013/09/23 18:06:43 R_LoadProgram: 'atmosphere' loaded. 2013/09/23 18:06:43 R_LoadProgram: 'simple_glow' loaded. 2013/09/23 18:06:43 SDL_ttf version 2.0.9 - we need at least 2.0.7 2013/09/23 18:06:43 ------- sound initialization ------- 2013/09/23 18:06:43 SDL_mixer version: 1.2.11 2013/09/23 18:06:43 ... requested audio rate: 44100 2013/09/23 18:06:43 ... driver: 'pulse' 2013/09/23 18:06:43 ... audio rate: 44100 2013/09/23 18:06:43 ... audio channels: 2 2013/09/23 18:06:43 ... loaded ogg vorbis support 2013/09/23 18:06:43 ------- input initialization ------- 2013/09/23 18:06:43 0 possible joysticks 2013/09/23 18:06:43 no joystick found. 2013/09/23 18:06:43 Allocate 3 megabytes for the ui hunk 2013/09/23 18:06:43 ------- web initialization --------- 2013/09/23 18:06:43 ... web access not yet configured 2013/09/23 18:06:43 ----------- parse scripts ---------- 2013/09/23 18:06:43 58 script files 2013/09/23 18:06:47 56 ui script files 2013/09/23 18:06:48 Shared Client/Server Info loaded 2013/09/23 18:06:48 ...121 items parsed 2013/09/23 18:06:48 ... 32 damage types parsed 2013/09/23 18:06:48 ... 32 equipment definitions parsed 2013/09/23 18:06:48 ... 10 inventory definitions parsed 2013/09/23 18:06:48 ... 25 team definitions parsed 2013/09/23 18:06:48 executing keys.cfg 2013/09/23 18:06:48 Music: track changed from to vigil. 2013/09/23 18:06:48 executing autoexec.cfg 2013/09/23 18:06:48 "version" is "UFO: Alien Invasion 2.5-dev AMD64 Sep 22 2013 Linux RELEASE" 2013/09/23 18:07:04 No skin for #0 of 'aliens/bloodspider/bloodspider' 2013/09/23 18:07:04 No skin for #0 of 'aliens/bloodspider/bloodspider' 2013/09/23 18:07:04 No skin for #0 of 'aliens/bloodspider_adv/head' 2013/09/23 18:07:04 No skin for #0 of 'aliens/hovernet/head' 2013/09/23 18:07:04 No skin for #0 of 'aliens/hovernet_adv/head' 2013/09/23 18:07:04 178 static models loaded 2013/09/23 18:07:04 CL_LanguageInit: language settings are stored in configuration: en 2013/09/23 18:07:04 ...using language: en_ZW.utf8 2013/09/23 18:07:04 SDL_ttf version 2.0.9 - we need at least 2.0.7 2013/09/23 18:07:04 ...registering 13 fonts 2013/09/23 18:07:04 ----------- parse msgids ----------- 2013/09/23 18:07:04 18 msgid files 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for drop_firebird_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for drop_herakles_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for drop_herakles_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for drop_raptor_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for drop_raptor_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for inter_stiletto_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for inter_saracen_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for inter_dragon_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for inter_dragon_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for inter_starchaser_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for inter_starchaser_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for inter_stingray_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for inter_stingray_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_scout_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_scout_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_fighter_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_fighter_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_supply_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_supply_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_carrier_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_bomber_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_bomber_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_corrupter_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_corrupter_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_gunboat_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_gunboat_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_ripper_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_harvester_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_harvester_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ufo_mothership_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_electronics_ew_alien_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_electronics_ew_alien_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_shield_light_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_shield_plating_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_shield_plating_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_shield_polymer_alien_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_shield_polymer_alien_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_alien_astrogation_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_alien_astrogation_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_alien_propulsion_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_alien_propulsion_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_alien_propulsion_adv_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_alien_propulsion_adv_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_alien_detection_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_alien_detection_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_weapon_alc_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_weapon_alc_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_weapon_shiva_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_ammo_shiva_1_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_ammo_shiva_2_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_weapon_sparrowhawk_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_ammo_sparrowhawk_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_weapon_tr20_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_ammo_tr20_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_weapon_particle_beam_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_weapon_particle_beam_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_weapon_alien_launcher_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_weapon_alien_launcher_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_antimatter_missile_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_antimatter_missile_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_ammo_hybrid_missile_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_ammo_hybrid_missile_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_electronics_targeting_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for craft_electronics_fuelpod_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for bloodspider_notes_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for bloodspider_autopsy_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for bloodspider_autopsy_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for bloodspider_adv_autopsy_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for bloodspider_adv_autopsy_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ortnok_autopsy_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ortnok_autopsy_extra_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ortnok_autopsy_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ortnok_autopsy_extra_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for taman_autopsy_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for taman_autopsy_extra_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for taman_autopsy_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for taman_autopsy_extra_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for shevaar_autopsy_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for shevaar_autopsy_extra_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for shevaar_autopsy_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for shevaar_autopsy_extra_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for hovernet_autopsy_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for hovernet_autopsy_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for hovernet_adv_autopsy_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for hovernet_adv_autopsy_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for combat_armour_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for nano_armour_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for nano_armour_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for power_armour_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for power_armour_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_body_armour_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_body_armour_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_medium_armour_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_medium_armour_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_baselaser_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_baselaser_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_aliencontainment_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_command_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_entrance_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_missile_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_large_hangar_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_hospital_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_small_hangar_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_lab_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_powerplant_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_quarters_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_radar_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_radar_adv_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_storage_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_workshop_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for b_antimatter_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for veryhard_campaign_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for hard_campaign_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for standard_campaign_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for easy_campaign_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for veryeasy_campaign_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for intro_sentence1 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for intro_sentence2 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for intro_sentence3 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for intro_sentence4 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for intro_sentence5 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for intro_sentence6 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for intro_sentence7 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for intro_sentence8 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for campaignwin 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for concept_research_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for concept_production_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for concept_interception_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for concept_disassembly_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for concept_nation_happiness_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for concept_time_units_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for concept_reaction_fire_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for concept_weight_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for concept_wounds_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for concept_equipment_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for installation_radar_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for installation_ufo_yard_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for installation_sam_site_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for irc_motd 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for mail_prolog 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for mail_stunned_alien_died 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for mail_ufocarrier 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for mission_briefing_default 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for victory_condition_default 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for mission_briefing_fueldump 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for victory_condition_fueldump 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for mission_briefing_alienbase 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for victory_condition_alienbase 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for mission_briefing_crashsite 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for mission_briefing_baseattack 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for news_initial_political_situation_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for news_after_the_war_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for news_new_twist_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for skill_accuracy_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for skill_assault_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for skill_close_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for skill_explosive_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for skill_mind_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for skill_power_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for skill_sniper_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for skill_speed_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for antimatter_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for antimatter_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_live_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_live_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_breathing_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_breathing_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_mind_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_mind_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_odd_behaviour_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_odd_behaviour_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_communication_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_communication_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_base_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for universal_serum_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for universal_serum_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_origins_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_origins_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_theory_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_theory_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_materials_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_materials_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for enemy_on_earth_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for enemy_on_earth_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for xvi_census_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for xvi_census_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_strategy_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_strategy_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for orbital_ufo_activity_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for orbital_ufo_activity_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_psi_device_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for alien_psi_device_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for human_vaccine_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for human_vaccine_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for tip_build_ufo_yard_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for tip_capture_live_alien_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for tip_samsitearm_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ugv_phoenix_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ugv_ares_w_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ugv_chaingun_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ugv_chaingun_belt_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ugv_weapon_autocannon_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for ugv_weapon_autocannon_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for laser_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for laser_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for pistol_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for pistol_mag_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for pistol2_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for pistol2_mag_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for vhs_assault_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for assault_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for assault_mag_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for machinegun_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for machinegun_mag_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for rpg_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for rpg_ammo_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for rpg_incendiary_ammo_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for rpg_hybrid_ammo_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for rpg_hybrid_ammo_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for xaw95_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for bombkit1_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for chaingun_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for shotgun_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for bolterrifle_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for bolterrifle_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for bolterrifle_am_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for bolterrifle_am_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for combatknife_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for monoknife_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for monoknife_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for flamer_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for flamer_mag_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for flashbang_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for fraggren_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for incgren_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for grenl_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for grenl_ammo_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for grenl_fle_ammo_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for grenl_incendiary_ammo_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for grenl_plasma_ammo_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for grenl_plasma_ammo_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for irgoggles_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for kerrblade_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for kerrblade_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for laserpistol_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for laserpistol_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for laserrifle_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for laserrifle_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for heavylaser_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for heavylaser_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for electrolaser_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for electrolaser_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for laser_ammo_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for laser_ammo_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for medikit_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for plasatomizer_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for plasatomizer_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for plasblaster_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for plasblaster_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for plasblade_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for plasblade_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for plasmagren_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for plasmagren_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for plasrifle_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for plasrifle_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for encased_plasma_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for encased_plasma_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for needlergun_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for needlergun_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for needlerheavy_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for needlerheavy_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for coilgun_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for coilgun_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for shotgun2_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for shotgun2_slug_ammo_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for shotgun_micro_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for shotgun_micro_ammo_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for smg_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for smg_mag_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for smokegren_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for sniper_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for sniper_mag_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for stungren_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for stungren_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for stunrod_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for stunrod_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for pbeampistol_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for pbeampistol_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for pbeamcannon_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for pbeamcannon_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for pbeamrifle_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for pbeamrifle_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for pbeamammo_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 no translation for pbeamammo_pre_txt 2013/09/23 18:07:04 ----------- game modes ------------- 2013/09/23 18:07:04 added _Multiplayer 2013/09/23 18:07:04 added _Campaign 2013/09/23 18:07:04 added _Skirmish 2013/09/23 18:07:04 added 3 game modes 2013/09/23 18:07:04 ====== UFO Initialized ====== 2013/09/23 18:07:04 ============================= 2013/09/23 18:07:04 Switch grab input off 2013/09/23 18:07:15 Change gametype to 'Campaign mode' 2013/09/23 18:07:15 --- save subsystem initialization -- 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added campaign subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added research subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added base subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added hospital subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added market subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added employee subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added aliencont subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added aircraft subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added alien base subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added interest subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added installation subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added mission subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added ufostores subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added production subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added messagesystem subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added stats subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added nations subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added transfer subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added xvirate subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added messageoptions subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 added triggerevents subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:15 Campaign data loaded - size 1544608 bytes 2013/09/23 18:07:15 ...techs: 230 2013/09/23 18:07:15 ...buildings: 16 2013/09/23 18:07:15 ...ranks: 16 2013/09/23 18:07:15 ...nations: 8 2013/09/23 18:07:15 ...cities: 456 2013/09/23 18:07:15 2013/09/23 18:07:19 Loading savegame xml (size 83810) 2013/09/23 18:07:19 Loading savegame ...version: 4 ...game version: 2.5-dev ...xml Size: 1060802, compressed? y 2013/09/23 18:07:19 Shutdown gametype 'Campaign mode' 2013/09/23 18:07:19 Change gametype to 'Campaign mode' 2013/09/23 18:07:19 --- save subsystem initialization -- 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added campaign subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added research subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added base subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added hospital subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added market subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added employee subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added aliencont subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added aircraft subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added alien base subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added interest subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added installation subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added mission subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added ufostores subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added production subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added messagesystem subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added stats subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added nations subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added transfer subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added xvirate subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added messageoptions subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 added triggerevents subsystem 2013/09/23 18:07:19 Campaign data loaded - size 1544608 bytes 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...techs: 230 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...buildings: 16 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...ranks: 16 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...nations: 8 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...cities: 456 2013/09/23 18:07:19 2013/09/23 18:07:19 Load 'save/campaign/slot2.savx' 21 subsystems 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...Running subsystem 'campaign' 2013/09/23 18:07:19 UI_DeleteNode: Can't delete the static node 'geoscape.messages.dock.bottomMargin' 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...subsystem 'campaign' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...Running subsystem 'research' 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...subsystem 'research' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...Running subsystem 'base' 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...subsystem 'base' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...Running subsystem 'hospital' 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...subsystem 'hospital' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...Running subsystem 'market' 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...subsystem 'market' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:19 ...Running subsystem 'employee' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'employee' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'aliencont' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'aliencont' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'aircraft' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'aircraft' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'alien base' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'alien base' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'interest' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'interest' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'installation' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'installation' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'mission' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'mission' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'ufostores' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'ufostores' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'production' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'production' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'messagesystem' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'messagesystem' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'stats' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'stats' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'nations' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'nations' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'transfer' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'transfer' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'xvirate' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'xvirate' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'messageoptions' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'messageoptions' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...Running subsystem 'triggerevents' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 ...subsystem 'triggerevents' - loaded. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 UI_DeleteNode: Can't delete the static node 'geoscape.messages.dock.bottomMargin' 2013/09/23 18:07:20 File 'save/campaign/slot2.savx' successfully loaded from compressed xml savegame. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 Music: track changed from vigil to karlmacklin_geoscapeN. 2013/09/23 18:07:20 Music: track changed from vigil to optionx. 2013/09/23 18:09:14 Music: track changed from optionx to Crystan-Geosphere02N. 2013/09/23 18:14:15 Music: track changed from Crystan-Geosphere02N to karlmacklin_geoscapeN. 2013/09/23 18:15:31 Calling subsystems 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'campaign' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'research' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'base' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'hospital' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'market' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'employee' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'aircraft' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'alien base' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'interest' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'installation' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'mission' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'ufostores' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'production' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'messagesystem' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'stats' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'nations' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'transfer' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'xvirate' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'messageoptions' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ...subsystem 'triggerevents' - saved 2013/09/23 18:15:31 XML Written to buffer (1062987 Bytes) 2013/09/23 18:15:31 setting game random seed to 528760 2013/09/23 18:15:31 ------- Loading game.so ------- 2013/09/23 18:15:31 not found at '/usr/local/lib/' 2013/09/23 18:15:31 not found at '/home/dainius/.ufoai/2.5-dev/base' 2013/09/23 18:15:31 found at './base' 2013/09/23 18:15:31 tiles: -hills/ +road_1c1 +house_13 +craft_ufo_harvester +craft_drop_firebird +filler_1s3_d +house_11 +house_12 +road_1h1 +road_1h2 +road_1h2 +filler_1s4_d +filler_12vu2 +road_2h1 +filler_2s2 +road_1v2 +road_1v1 +road_1v4 +road_1v5 +road_1v2 +filler_1s1 2013/09/23 18:15:31 pos: 8 -32 0 -8 -16 0 -24 8 0 -24 -32 0 24 -16 0 24 0 0 24 -8 0 -8 -32 0 0 -32 0 24 -32 0 0 0 0 24 8 0 24 16 0 24 32 0 8 -16 0 8 -8 0 8 0 0 -24 -8 0 -24 0 0 -8 0 0 2013/09/23 18:15:31 tiles: 20 2013/09/23 18:15:31 CM_LoadMap: "-hills/ +road_1c1 +house_13 +craft_ufo_harvester +craft_drop_firebird +filler_1s3_d +house_11 +house_12 +road_1h1 +road_1h2 +road_1h2 +filler_1s4_d +filler_12vu2 +road_2h1 +filler_2s2 +road_1v2 +road_1v1 +road_1v4 +road_1v5 +road_1v2 +filler_1s1" "8 -32 0 -8 -16 0 -24 8 0 -24 -32 0 24 -16 0 24 0 0 24 -8 0 -8 -32 0 0 -32 0 24 -32 0 0 0 0 24 8 0 24 16 0 24 32 0 8 -16 0 8 -8 0 8 0 0 -24 -8 0 -24 0 0 -8 0 0" 2013/09/23 18:15:33 Rerouted for RMA in 0.0s 2013/09/23 18:15:33 checksum for the map '+hills': 2072160226 2013/09/23 18:15:33 ufo script checksum 1890548991 2013/09/23 18:15:34 ------------------------------------- 2013/09/23 18:15:34 Connecting to localhost... 2013/09/23 18:15:34 ==== InitGame ==== 2013/09/23 18:15:34 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 122 (Whssf Vso Zzhwf) 2013/09/23 18:15:34 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 123 (C/BS/U 010.1100) 2013/09/23 18:15:34 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 124 (C/BS/S 110.1100) 2013/09/23 18:15:34 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 125 (C/BS/T 111.1100) 2013/09/23 18:15:34 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 126 (CHN/S 010.1100) 2013/09/23 18:15:34 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 127 (C/BS/T 010.1100) 2013/09/23 18:15:34 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 128 (C/BS/M 011.1101) 2013/09/23 18:15:34 Spawned ai player for team 7 with entnum 129 (Uoghr Zk Zok Suomf) 2013/09/23 18:15:34 Created AI player (team 7) 2013/09/23 18:15:34 Used inventory slots after ai spawn: 0 2013/09/23 18:15:34 connection attempt from loopback connection 2013/09/23 18:15:40 load material file: 'materials/hills.mat' 2013/09/23 18:15:41 World model: 24703 triangles 2013/09/23 18:15:41 Planting grass ... 2013/09/23 18:15:41 Total grassy area is 0 units (0 cells) 2013/09/23 18:15:41 Planted 0 clumps of grass 2013/09/23 18:15:45 Starting the game... 2013/09/23 18:15:45 dainius has joined team 1 2013/09/23 18:15:45 Music: track changed from karlmacklin_geoscapeN to Sanctuary. 2013/09/23 18:15:47 Used inventory slots: 0 2013/09/23 18:15:47 Soldier entered the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:15:47 Soldier entered the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:15:47 Soldier entered the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:15:47 Soldier entered the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:15:47 Soldier entered the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:15:47 Soldier entered the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:15:47 Soldier entered the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:15:47 Soldier entered the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:15:47 Used inventory slots client dainius spawn: 0 2013/09/23 18:15:47 (player 0) It's team 1's turn! 2013/09/23 18:15:47 dainius has taken control over team 1. 2013/09/23 18:17:16 Soldier left the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:17:28 Soldier left the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:18:32 Soldier left the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:19:03 Soldier left the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:19:47 Soldier left the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:20:18 [STATS] dainius (Olaf Macias) kills alien (C/BS/T 111.1100) with 5-Shot Burst of encased_plasma_mg_ammo (entnum: 125) 2013/09/23 18:20:32 Soldier left the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:21:29 Music: track changed from Sanctuary to PsymongR4N. 2013/09/23 18:22:17 Soldier entered the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:22:22 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 18:22:22 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 18:22:22 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 18:22:22 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 18:22:29 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 18:22:29 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 18:22:33 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 18:22:33 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 18:23:39 Music: track changed from PsymongR4N to PsymongO5N. 2013/09/23 18:24:03 [STATS] dainius (Farran Bussey) kills alien (C/BS/S 110.1100) with Pulsed Fire of laser_ammo (entnum: 124) 2013/09/23 18:24:15 Soldier left the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:27:37 Soldier entered the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:27:37 Soldier left the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:27:58 Soldier entered the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:27:58 Soldier left the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:28:22 Soldier entered the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:28:22 Soldier left the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:28:54 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 18:28:54 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 18:28:54 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 18:28:54 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 18:29:00 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 18:29:00 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 18:29:00 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 18:29:00 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 18:29:49 Music: track changed from PsymongO5N to PsymongO4N. 2013/09/23 18:30:08 [STATS] dainius (Midas Groisman) kills alien (C/BS/T 010.1100) with Aimed Shot of encased_plasma_sniper_ammo (entnum: 127) 2013/09/23 18:31:43 Soldier left the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:31:54 Soldier left the rescue zone. 2013/09/23 18:33:54 Music: track changed from PsymongO4N to Crystan-Battlescape01N. 2013/09/23 18:34:08 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 18:34:08 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 18:34:08 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 18:34:08 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 18:34:09 [STATS] dainius (Olaf Macias) kills alien (Whssf Vso Zzhwf) with 5-Shot Burst of encased_plasma_mg_ammo (entnum: 122) 2013/09/23 18:34:14 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 18:34:14 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 18:34:14 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 18:34:14 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 18:37:49 Music: track changed from Crystan-Battlescape01N to arrival. 2013/09/23 18:39:12 Music: track changed from arrival to kmachine. 2013/09/23 18:40:32 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 18:40:32 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 18:40:32 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 18:40:32 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 18:40:36 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 18:40:36 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 18:40:36 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 18:40:36 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 18:42:39 Music: track changed from kmachine to PsymongN1N. 2013/09/23 18:43:01 Music: track changed from PsymongN1N to kmachine. 2013/09/23 18:44:08 Music: track changed from kmachine to alien-pact. 2013/09/23 18:46:17 Music: track changed from alien-pact to PsymongR2N. 2013/09/23 18:49:13 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 18:49:13 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 18:49:13 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 18:49:13 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 18:49:18 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 18:49:18 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 18:49:18 [STATS] Bindusar Meijer is bleeding (damage: 7) 2013/09/23 18:49:22 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 18:49:22 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 18:50:10 Music: track changed from PsymongR2N to virmire. 2013/09/23 18:53:15 Music: track changed from virmire to linkup. 2013/09/23 18:53:16 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 18:53:16 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 18:53:16 [STATS] Bindusar Meijer is bleeding (damage: 7) 2013/09/23 18:53:16 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 18:53:16 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 18:53:21 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 18:53:21 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 18:53:21 [STATS] Bindusar Meijer is bleeding (damage: 4) 2013/09/23 18:53:32 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 18:53:32 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 18:54:06 [STATS] dainius (Farran Bussey) kills alien (CHN/S 010.1100) with Wave Fire of laser_ammo (entnum: 126) 2013/09/23 18:56:33 Music: track changed from linkup to linkup. 2013/09/23 18:57:50 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 18:57:50 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 18:57:50 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 18:57:50 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 25/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 25/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 26/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 26/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 26/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 26/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 27/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 27/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 27/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 27/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 28/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 28/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 28/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 28/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 28/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 29/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 29/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 29/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 29/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 29/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 29/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 30/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 30/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 30/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 30/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 30/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 30/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 31/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 31/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 31/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 31/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 31/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:51 invalid step given: 31/4 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-131-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-131-123.timeremaining@color" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-135-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-135-123@bgcolor" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-135-123.rfnotice@string" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-137-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-137-123@bgcolor" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-137-123.rfnotice@string" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteCallAction: Node from path "root.reactions.rf-137-123@delete" not found (relative to "hud_default.reactionfire_removetarget"). 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteCallAction: Node from path "root.reactions.rf-131-123@delete" not found (relative to "hud_default.reactionfire_removetarget"). 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteCallAction: Node from path "root.reactions.rf-135-123@delete" not found (relative to "hud_default.reactionfire_removetarget"). 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-131-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-131-123.timeremaining@color" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-135-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-135-123@bgcolor" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:53 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-135-123.rfnotice@string" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:54 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-131-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:54 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-131-123@bgcolor" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:54 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-131-123.rfnotice@string" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:54 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-135-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:54 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-135-123@bgcolor" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:54 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-135-123.rfnotice@string" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:57:54 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 18:57:54 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 18:58:00 UI_ExecuteCallAction: Node from path "root.reactions.rf-135-128@delete" not found (relative to "hud_default.reactionfire_removetarget"). 2013/09/23 18:58:00 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-137-128.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:58:00 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-137-128.timeremaining@color" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:58:01 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-137-128.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:58:01 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-137-128.timeremaining@color" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:58:01 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-137-128.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:58:01 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-137-128.timeremaining@color" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 18:58:02 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 18:58:02 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 18:59:43 [STATS] dainius (Sayeshan Sulaiman) kills alien (C/BS/M 011.1101) with Aimed Shot of coilgun_ammo (entnum: 128) 2013/09/23 18:59:50 Music: track changed from linkup to jank. 2013/09/23 19:03:14 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:03:14 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:03:14 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:03:14 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:03:16 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:03:16 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:03:20 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:03:20 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:03:37 Music: track changed from jank to PsymongR4N. 2013/09/23 19:05:47 Music: track changed from PsymongR4N to Sanctuary. 2013/09/23 19:08:20 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:08:20 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:08:20 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:08:20 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:08:22 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:08:22 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:08:25 UI_AbstractNodeCallCreateChild: Node with name 'rf-131-123' already exists 2013/09/23 19:08:25 UI_ExecuteCallAction: Node from path "root.reactions.rf-130-123@delete" not found (relative to "hud_default.reactionfire_removetarget"). 2013/09/23 19:08:27 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:08:27 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:11:29 Music: track changed from Sanctuary to snap-shot. 2013/09/23 19:12:30 Music: track changed from snap-shot to PsymongR5N. 2013/09/23 19:13:15 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:13:15 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:13:15 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:13:15 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:13:18 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:13:18 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:13:20 UI_AbstractNodeCallCreateChild: Node with name 'rf-131-123' already exists 2013/09/23 19:13:24 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:13:24 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:13:33 Music: track changed from PsymongR5N to PsymongN2N. 2013/09/23 19:16:29 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:16:29 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:16:29 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:16:29 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:16:30 invalid step given: 30/7 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 19:16:30 invalid step given: 30/7 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 19:16:30 invalid step given: 30/7 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 19:16:30 invalid step given: 30/7 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 19:16:30 invalid step given: 31/7 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 19:16:30 invalid step given: 31/7 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 19:16:30 invalid step given: 31/7 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 19:16:30 invalid step given: 31/7 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 19:16:30 invalid step given: 31/7 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 19:16:30 invalid step given: 31/7 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 19:16:30 invalid step given: 31/7 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 19:16:30 invalid step given: 31/7 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 19:16:30 UI_ExecuteCallAction: Node from path "root.reactions.rf-136-123@delete" not found (relative to "hud_default.reactionfire_removetarget"). 2013/09/23 19:16:31 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:31 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123.timeremaining@color" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:31 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:31 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123.timeremaining@color" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:31 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:31 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123@bgcolor" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:31 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123.rfnotice@string" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:32 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:16:32 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:16:32 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:32 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123@bgcolor" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:32 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123.rfnotice@string" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:32 UI_ExecuteCallAction: Node from path "root.reactions.rf-134-123@delete" not found (relative to "hud_default.reactionfire_removetarget"). 2013/09/23 19:16:32 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-131-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:32 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-131-123@bgcolor" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:32 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-131-123.rfnotice@string" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:32 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:32 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123@bgcolor" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:32 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123.rfnotice@string" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:33 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-131-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:33 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-131-123@bgcolor" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:33 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-131-123.rfnotice@string" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:33 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123.timeremaining@current" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:33 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123@bgcolor" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:33 UI_ExecuteSetAction: node "root.reactions.rf-134-123.rfnotice@string" doesn't exist (source: hud_default.reactionfire_updatetarget) 2013/09/23 19:16:37 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:16:37 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:19:57 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:19:57 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:19:57 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:19:57 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:19:57 UI_AbstractNodeCallCreateChild: Node with name 'rf-131-123' already exists 2013/09/23 19:20:00 UI_AbstractNodeCallCreateChild: Node with name 'rf-136-123' already exists 2013/09/23 19:20:00 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:20:00 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:20:02 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:20:02 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:20:15 Music: track changed from PsymongN2N to Crystan-Battlescape01N. 2013/09/23 19:22:05 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:22:05 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:22:05 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:22:05 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:22:05 invalid step given: 14/13 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 19:22:05 invalid step given: 14/13 (entnum: 123 with stepindex: 0) 2013/09/23 19:22:07 UI_AbstractNodeCallCreateChild: Node with name 'rf-136-123' already exists 2013/09/23 19:22:07 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:22:07 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:22:08 UI_AbstractNodeCallCreateChild: Node with name 'rf-136-123' already exists 2013/09/23 19:22:09 UI_AbstractNodeCallCreateChild: Node with name 'rf-131-123' already exists 2013/09/23 19:22:09 UI_AbstractNodeCallCreateChild: Node with name 'rf-134-123' already exists 2013/09/23 19:22:11 UI_AbstractNodeCallCreateChild: Node with name 'rf-136-123' already exists 2013/09/23 19:22:15 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:22:15 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:24:10 Music: track changed from Crystan-Battlescape01N to vigilo-confido. 2013/09/23 19:25:30 Music: track changed from vigilo-confido to PsymongR2N. 2013/09/23 19:25:38 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:25:38 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:25:38 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:25:38 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:25:38 UI_AbstractNodeCallCreateChild: Node with name 'rf-130-123' already exists 2013/09/23 19:25:39 UI_AbstractNodeCallCreateChild: Node with name 'rf-131-123' already exists 2013/09/23 19:25:40 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:25:40 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:25:41 UI_AbstractNodeCallCreateChild: Node with name 'rf-134-123' already exists 2013/09/23 19:25:43 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:25:43 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:25:59 [STATS] dainius (Sayeshan Sulaiman) kills alien (C/BS/U 010.1100) with Aimed Shot of coilgun_ammo (entnum: 123) 2013/09/23 19:29:04 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:29:04 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:29:04 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:29:04 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:29:06 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:29:06 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:29:06 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:29:06 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:29:23 Music: track changed from PsymongR2N to virmire. 2013/09/23 19:31:40 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:31:40 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:31:40 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:31:40 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:31:41 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:31:41 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:31:41 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:31:41 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:32:28 Music: track changed from virmire to PsymongN1N. 2013/09/23 19:34:54 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:34:54 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:34:54 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:34:54 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:34:56 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:34:56 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:34:56 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:34:56 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:37:22 Music: track changed from PsymongN1N to Crystan-Battlescape04N. 2013/09/23 19:37:56 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:37:56 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:37:56 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:37:56 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:37:58 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:37:58 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:37:58 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:37:58 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:40:16 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:40:16 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:40:16 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:40:16 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:40:17 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:40:17 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:40:17 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:40:17 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:40:34 Music: track changed from Crystan-Battlescape04N to PsymongN4N. 2013/09/23 19:42:30 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:42:30 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:42:30 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:42:30 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:42:32 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:42:32 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:42:32 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:42:32 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:44:40 Music: track changed from PsymongN4N to PsymongO1N. 2013/09/23 19:44:45 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:44:45 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:44:45 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:44:45 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:44:46 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:44:46 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:44:46 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:44:46 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:46:38 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:46:38 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:46:38 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:46:38 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:46:40 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:46:40 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:46:40 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:46:40 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:47:11 Music: track changed from PsymongO1N to PsymongO2N. 2013/09/23 19:49:05 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:49:05 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:49:06 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:49:06 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:49:07 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:49:07 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:49:07 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:49:07 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:51:07 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:51:07 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:51:07 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:51:07 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:51:09 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:51:09 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:51:09 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:51:09 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:52:24 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:52:24 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:52:24 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:52:24 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:52:26 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:52:26 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:52:26 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:52:26 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:53:36 Music: track changed from PsymongO2N to PsymongO4N. 2013/09/23 19:54:08 Team 1 ended round 2013/09/23 19:54:08 Team 7's round started! 2013/09/23 19:54:08 round end from team 1 2013/09/23 19:54:08 round start for team 7 2013/09/23 19:54:09 Team 7 ended round 2013/09/23 19:54:09 Team 1's round started! 2013/09/23 19:54:09 round end from team 7 2013/09/23 19:54:09 round start for team 1 2013/09/23 19:55:16 [STATS] dainius (Bindusar Meijer) kills alien (Uoghr Zk Zok Suomf) with Inferno of flamer_ammo (entnum: 129) 2013/09/23 19:55:19 [STATS] End of game - Team 1 is the winner 2013/09/23 19:55:22 Disconnecting... 2013/09/23 19:55:22 Client stream was closed 2013/09/23 19:55:22 Used inventory slots after battle: 0 2013/09/23 19:55:22 Shutdown server: Mission end 2013/09/23 19:55:22 Unload the game library 2013/09/23 19:55:22 Music: track changed from PsymongO4N to Crystan-Geosphere04N. 2013/09/23 19:55:25 UI_DeleteNode: Can't delete the static node 'geoscape.messages.dock.bottomMargin' 2013/09/23 19:55:25 UI_DeleteNode: Can't delete the static node 'geoscape.messages.dock.bottomMargin' 2013/09/23 19:56:47 Calling subsystems 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'campaign' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'research' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'base' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'hospital' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'market' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'employee' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'aircraft' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'alien base' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'interest' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'installation' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'mission' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'ufostores' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'production' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'messagesystem' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'stats' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'nations' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'transfer' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'xvirate' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'messageoptions' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 ...subsystem 'triggerevents' - saved 2013/09/23 19:56:47 XML Written to buffer (1061358 Bytes) 2013/09/23 19:56:49 Music: track changed from Crystan-Geosphere04N to Crystan-Geosphere02N. 2013/09/23 19:58:03 UI_DeleteNode: Can't delete the static node 'geoscape.messages.dock.bottomMargin' 2013/09/23 19:58:21 Calling subsystems 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'campaign' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'research' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'base' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'hospital' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'market' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'employee' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'aircraft' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'alien base' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'interest' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'installation' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'mission' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'ufostores' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'production' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'messagesystem' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'stats' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'nations' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'transfer' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'xvirate' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'messageoptions' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 ...subsystem 'triggerevents' - saved 2013/09/23 19:58:21 XML Written to buffer (1063954 Bytes) 2013/09/23 19:58:23 Music: track changed from Crystan-Geosphere02N to Crystan-Geosphere04N. 2013/09/23 19:59:33 UI_DeleteNode: Can't delete the static node 'geoscape.messages.dock.bottomMargin' 2013/09/23 19:59:33 UI_DeleteNode: Can't delete the static node 'geoscape.messages.dock.bottomMargin' 2013/09/23 20:00:28 UI_DeleteNode: Can't delete the static node 'geoscape.messages.dock.bottomMargin' 2013/09/23 20:00:53 UI_DeleteNode: Can't delete the static node 'geoscape.messages.dock.bottomMargin' 2013/09/23 20:00:53 UI_DeleteNode: Can't delete the static node 'geoscape.messages.dock.bottomMargin' 2013/09/23 20:01:16 Calling subsystems 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'campaign' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'research' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'base' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'hospital' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'market' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'employee' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'aircraft' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'alien base' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'interest' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'installation' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'mission' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'ufostores' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'production' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'messagesystem' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'stats' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'nations' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'transfer' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'xvirate' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'messageoptions' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 ...subsystem 'triggerevents' - saved 2013/09/23 20:01:16 XML Written to buffer (1066886 Bytes) 2013/09/23 20:01:18 Music: track changed from Crystan-Geosphere04N to karlmacklin_geoscapeN. 2013/09/23 20:02:13 UI_DeleteNode: Can't delete the static node 'geoscape.messages.dock.bottomMargin' 2013/09/23 20:02:25 Shutdown gametype 'Campaign mode' 2013/09/23 20:02:25 Music: track changed from karlmacklin_geoscapeN to enemy-unknown. 2013/09/23 20:02:26 Wrote config.cfg. 2013/09/23 20:02:26 Wrote keys.cfg